30 April, 2007

education network

If you are a Student, an Educator, Alumni, or a Citizen who cares about education please register at:

SLTP.Net or SLTA.Net or PTHP.Net

In order to achieve educational reform in Indonesia your voice needs to be heard. Please visit our Forums, Comments, and Aspiration pages and enter you comments.

Why Create Pendidikan Network?
It is hoped that by providing six (6) easy to remember individual sites at which all sectors can participate, linked to a seventh site Pendidikan Net that we can begin to pool our knowledge and resources and begin to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. All comments, articles, news, and information that you register (including e-mail addresses) can be accessed from all three key education sector sites (SLTP.Net, SLTA.Net, & PTHP.Net) and also at Pendidikan.Net itself. For instance, from the SLTP.Net (Junior Secondary Education) Homepage you can directly access comments from lecturers at PTHP.Net (Higher Edn Homepage). At this network communication is shared between all education sectors. Hopefully through this sharing we can work together to begin the process of shaping educational development that will significantly benefit our learners, educators, and citizens.

Communication is an important factor within all areas of education. The first step is to get all sectors communicating (or at least able to). In the past communication has mainly been a one-way-street (top down).

Truly significant development will really begin to occur when all sectors are communicating and contributing effectively. A key factor currently inhibiting educator contribution in Indonesia is the welfare and working conditions of the teachers and lecturers in the field.

Change is beginning to occur and schools are currently being oriented towards School Based Management (SBM). Major teaching and teacher training institutions are also undergoing review. However, your participation is critical.

You can publish your Articles at Pendidikan Network.

If you do not already have an E-Mail address or you would like to have an address at Pendidikan.zzn.com please register using the form to the bottom-left of the main page. You can login and check your e-mail also at this point (or at http://pendidikan.zzn.com).

At Pendidikan.Net and all our sites your participation and assistance is highly valued. Successful improvement to the quality of education in Indonesia will only be achieved when we can mobilize* all the human resources available and begin to work together. A key element for achieving effective mobilization is communication.

There are two issues that we believe are very important for everyone to work on:

1. The Reading Habit. Try to read at least 2 articles every day from Media Indonesia Online:
Media Indonesia Online
and Republika Online
Republika Online

2. English Language Skills. If you read 1 article from The Jakarta Post every day you will certainy see some improvement.

dikutip dari http://pendidikan.net/eindex.html

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